How to Information Hiding ? #1

 How to hiding a information in cyber security ? #1

To Study the steps for hiding and extract any text file behind an image file / Audio files using Command Prompt

Any file like .rar , .jpg, .txt or any file can be merged inside another file.

> Text + jpg = jpg(image)

>jpg + Text = jpg(image)

>rar + jpg = jpg

>audio + txt = jpg

Steps :

1> copy the file you need to hide, to desktop (Let us assume the file to be "A.txt" (Notepad file / Text File)

2> copy the image, within which you ned to hide the file, to desktop (Let it be "B.jpg")

3> Now open cmd:


>type : cmd and hit enter

4> In cmd first type the code as follow :

>cd desktop

NOTE : this code is for assigning the location on cmd to desktop

5> How type the following    

>copy /b B.jpg + A.txt C.jpg

Syntax : copy /b Name-of-file-containing-text-you-want-to-hide.txt + Name-of-initial-image.jpg Resulting-img-name.jpg

NOTE : "C.jpg" is the output image inside this out image our file is hidden

6> How to retrieve file ?

1> Locate  C.jpg file from where you want to retrieve text data 

2> Right-click and open with Notepad

DONE! Successfully opened! Inthe last of thenotepad, you'll find the content of the text file.

To be continue.....

Thankyou for Read :)

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